Thursday, December 6, 2012

december baby

wow. its been awhile. good news since last we met. the wife is almost done with out newest pregnancy. i shall call the son. the son is well ahead in growth. will most likely be born this month. this is a good way to show restoration since we lost our first pregnancy on december of last year. one year can make all the difference. i don't have much to say, i will no longer keep promising more posts. usually the only time i find myself in front of the computer is to di projects for grad school. oh yeah thats new too. yay me. wish i had more for ya. maybe next time. goodbye and God bless. Random Quote: "Eat chalk evil doer!"


  1. Yay for babies! Good to see you back, even without a promise for more posts. Thank you for all your encouragement recently! Is that quote from a game? or a cartoon show?
