Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Mortal Curve

Pay no attention to the random title above. It has nothing to do with this blog i just happened to like the sound of that title. I also think it could be an excellent band name. Have you ever tried to come up with good band names? It is just something i like to do (this should come as no surprise to some of you because of my skill at title making). Let's see, i asked a for a question in my last blog and this is the one i picked (forget the fact that it is the only one): If you had to choose between being at a crowded pool or a crowded beach which would you choose and why? I am going to have to think hard on this one. I am not much a crowd lover. I don't particularly like to be in large crowds because i have a fear that there could be a fire or a riot and then i would get trampled. I also don't like swimming either. the person that came up with this question must really not like me. I am going to have to pick a crowded beach. At least at the beach..... you know what, i really don't like the beach. I guess i will have to pick a crowded pool, because at least it is not a beach. I just thought of a good question for you guys. What is one thing that you really really want to do, but haven't for fear of what other people might think? No answer is too sappy or silly. Update on the long lost friend thing. He is going to be in my area tomorrow for a job interview, but sadly i will be at work. If he gets this job then he may just stay with my wife and i for about four months. I think it will be cool. Remember, if you have a question for me, just ask in the comment section.Well i have got to cut this blog post short, i am very tired and i have to get up early tomorrow. I am now going to leave you in the capable hands of the Random Phrase of the Day.

Random Phrase: I caught the hamsters trying to escape.... again.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I like my saturdays with a side of fried pickles

I think i am going to hit the ground running with this blog. I got up late this morning and it was great. I woke at about 8:45 am but i consider that very early considering that i usually wake at 4:45 am every morning. Let's see.... i was able to play a lot of video games today on account that the wife was reading one of those vampire books that her sister suggested. This particular book is called the vampire diaries. I am not a big fan of the vampire books but it did get me some game time. how do you all feel about this teen vampire book craze? usually i am not inclined to get something from a fast food place but i made an exception this time on account of a particular hankering i was having. A hankering that only deep fried pickles could cure. My wife was insistent that Jack in the Box sold those so we headed down there immediately. Boy were we surprised to find out that JitB has never sold the yumminess that is fried pickles. Fortunately for us, the next door Zaxby's did so we invested in their brand of fried pickles and were not disappointed. If anyone of you like deep fried pickles I suggest going to your nearest Zaxby's restaurant and ordering a bit of some. They were possibly the best i have ever had (the jury is still out). Next up, I watched a surprisingly good movie today, Hanging Up. It stars Meg Ryan, Lisa Kudrow, and Diane Keaton. It is about a broken up family trying to reconcile with each other through phone calls and reconcile with the fact that the father of the family has lost his mind and is possibly dying. I usually don't like overly sappy movies but this was delightful and surprisingly upbeat. I have a question for our studio audience tonight (or today or whatever time you are reading this). Which do you prefer, Wide screen or Full screen? Leave your answer with an explanation in the comment section below. While were watching the movie we ate a new concoction that my beautiful wife came up with. It involved hamburger meat, sweet peppers, tomato, chili powder, and onions. We put it over rice and I decided to call it Wowee! If you can think of a better name put it in the comment section. After we finished dinner and the movie, we naturally put in another movie: A Christmas Story. Easily one of the best movies ever! I never tire of it. I don't know why I don't watch it more often, oh wait I do know, it is because I don't own it (weep). Another great addition to today (besides blogging to my amazing audience) is that my wife and I found a game that we both enjoy playing together, Dr. Mario Online Rx. It is great and I recommend it for all our Wii owners out there. I wish I had more to write about. If you guys have anything to suggest or a question for me to answer just leave a comment and I will try my best to address it in my next post. Thanks for reading True Believers!

Random Phrase: It seems to go against all the rules of civilized existence.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I am the Darklord!!!!

I am playing a game today called My Life as a Darklord. It is a fun little rpg for the wii. I have played a demo for it before but this actual game is even better. Anywho, this blog is not all about that (forget the title). I would actually like to write about some of the happenings of today. I got to use a gas-powered leaf blower today. It was kinda fun. Of course, this had to do with work so I wasn't allowed to have too much fun. Oh the devious things I could do with a leaf blower..... maybe i am a darklord trapped in a young man's body. I think i might be becoming sick. I don't believe that should have any effect on my ability to write to you all, so don't worry I'll still be here. You will still have something semi-entertaining to do while you are doing laundry or the commercials are on. TGIF, rite? I have been looking forward to this weekend since the last one ended. I am so tired. I feel energized at the same time. Does that ever happen to you? If it has, leave me a comment describing the time that it happened. This blog is taking me a long time to type because i keep stopping to play more of the game. I really, really like this game. I am trying really hard to stay up tonight, because my wife and i are going to try to hang out some more tonight, I don't know if i can make it. Let's see what else happened today? I was good natured enough today to allow my wife to sleep in. Usually she gets up at the same time i do (4:45 am) so that she can make me b-fast and my lunch for the day. Well we had left over pizza, so I had that for b-fast. She also made my lunch the night before so she slept in. oh yeah, I also got paid today. I guess i can't come up with anything new so I guess i will finish this and concentrate on the more important task of kicking this game's butt.

Random Phrase: I feel like I've been incarcerated in a blueberry.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

poems and potties

While i was cleaning up other peoples' poo i thought of this poem. don't worry the poem has nothing to do with poop or anything like that. here we go.

Fly Away
The Sun has its ending
the darkness looms
Butterfly better fly away
Butterfly better fly away
Innocence has disappeared
Experience consumes
Butterfly better fly away
Butterfly better fly away
Always tired
Never freed
Butterfly better fly away
Butterfly better fly away
Wings have been pinned down
Seemingly eternally bound
Butterfly better fly away
Butterfly better stay away

what do you guys think of that? i am not exactly sure what made me think of that, but it sounded good to me. anywho, something good happened to me today at work. I was in a meeting that was put together so that the employees could voice their opinions and find new ways to improve the store. at one point in the meeting someone (a girl) spoke up and said that we should hire a female cleaner as well. (this made me feel sad). her reasoning was that sometimes it takes me a while to clean the bathrooms and i have to block it off so there are no women in there with me. but as soon as she said this the whole rest of the table (with about 16 people at it) all started saying what a wonderful job i do and that no one else should come in and take my job. this made me feel really good especially because the store manager was sitting next to me while they said all this. That's right, if there is one thing i am good at that is cleaning toilets...... maybe not something to brag about, but i am making money doing it. anywho, it was a real confidence booster. thanks team. i also want to say what a huge youtube fan i am. i like watching the shaycarl and shaytards channels alot. that is one funny family. (shameless advertising).

I am doing this blog project that a friend has helped me with, she came up with five words or phrases and i have to explain what each mean to me. here we go they are psychology, Jack Black, poetry, video-games, and funny.

PSYCHOLOGY: This was my major in college. I enjoy using it and talking about it in normal conversations. my wife also majored in it. I think that the studying of the mind should be a necessary study for all college students. It allows you help others but most of all allows you to look at yourself and say, oh i think i understand now.

JACK BLACK: This man is very funny. His humor can be a little dark, and a little perverted, but then again so can mine. He is a little off-the-wall and not too shabby of a singer either (i don't really like his music though). I have enjoyed all of his movies that i have seen such as School of Rock and Nacho Libre.

POETRY: As you can tell from the beginning of this blog, i enjoy poetry. one of the reasons i believe my wife is still with me is because i write her poems from time to time. I have like writing poems since high school. I think poetry can set the soul free and allow one to see things as they are, instead of as we wish they were.

VIDEO-GAMES: This is my number one favorite hobby. I love to play video-games. I love talking about video-games. I love watching tv programs about video-games. mmmmmm..... video-games, aagggg (in a very homer simpson style i drool on myself at this point). Anyone who has known me for more than five minutes knows how much I love video-games.

FUNNY: Isn't it funny that if someone thinks they are funny, but they aren't then they are conceited. but if they don't think they are funny, but they really are then they are cool. well i think i am funny, because i am. i may not be funny all the time, but i am most of the time and that mostly sounds funny to me. I like comedies and jokes. Most of my friends are funny. I just love to laugh.

Well there you have it. I did pretty good huh? Thanks for reading this and i hope that you will continue to in the future (flying car not required).

RANDOM PHRASE: The doctor said the rash should go away if I stop touching it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Adam Sandler is a Father-Figure Genius!

Hello readers, or should I say John and my wife (that's right ladies I am taken), I am just sitting at home watching Big Daddy by myself. My lovely lady has gone to work to make some moola. As some of you may know my wife and I both have jobs, but what you may not know is that my job is from 6am - 3pm every week day and her job is 6pm - 10pm every week night. So we only get a few hours together every weekday. The time I have after she leaves is all for me. So I have decided to make at least some of that time into bloggin' time. Anyway, I would like to update you all on some new info (listen up john this will be on the final). Remember that good friend that I wrote about in one of my last blogs? He will be beginning a job in my area soon, but he won't be moving to here for awhile, so he might just be staying with my wife and I for a couple of months or so until he can get his homestead settled. Neat huh? Why don't you guys tell me what you think about that. I would really like to know, really. Don't be shy.... I said don't be shy. Thanks for reading and I should have another one up soon... like tomorrow or something.

things that are happening

my wife, that sexy lady, is now on this health kick. Not that i am upset about that i just wanted to say it. She is so excited about it and she is trying to find out everything she can. She is looking up new ways of exercising and new ways to prepare food. She seems really pumped about this and i am proud of her for being so self motivated about this. Let's see, what is going on that is more personal to me?...... Oh yeah, a really good friend of mine is moving from virginia to south carolina. I haven't seen him in so long. FYI he was the best man at my wedding. I have known him since high school. It will be good to have him so close. Anywho my break is almost up and i would like to spend it relaxing, so see ya!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my first blog for blogspot and my first actual blog in years. I`m a bit tired so I will keep this brief. I will start off with something that is on my mind, I am a college grad. I thought that meant something. It was the whole reason I excelled in school, so I could succed in my later life.... This is not the case. I studied psychology and now I get paid $9.00 an hour to clean toilets and aisles. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have a job. I just assumed (don't ever do that btw) I would be helping people in a more psychological way. Although I have noticed that people seem to regress to a child-like state-of-mind in a public restroom (a matter I wish to study from afar). Well that is all for now, me need some rest and entertainment.