Saturday, May 8, 2010

Death of a Zombie

I love killing zombies. That is a statement of fact. It doesn't matter what game, if it has zombie killing I am almost always required to like that game. I just recently purchased resident evil 5 gold edition. YAY!!! Zombies galore. Now i just need to find someone to play the game with. It is a good game solo, even better with a friend. btw i am having a lot of fun here in hotlanta. tomorrow the fam and i are going to the renaissance festival. i haven't been there since 6th grade. It should be more fun now then it was back then. any way, what things have you done in the past that you think would be more now then it was at that time? comment plz.

RANDOM PHRASE: Trust me, I may not be as big as you but I can certainly hold my own...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's been a long time

I can't believe this. It has been too long. Well I am going to just divulge what happened today. I was doing work like normal when I was asked to go on delivery. That is all fine and dandy, except it caused me to be at work for almost 11 hours!!!!! I am there from 6 to 3. but not today!! Anyway i am very tired now. at least i know that i will be getting overtime pay. i can't wait for this weekend. I am going to my sister-in-law's place with the wife. My mother-in-law will be there and we will celebrate mother's day. i look forward to this weekend, even though i know it is going to be a little stressful and very tiring. I just need to get out of greenville for awhile. FYI i am not very thrilled about living in this city. I don't hate greenville, i just don't like living in a city this size. I would rather live in a small town. the yards are too small here. there is no privacy. I feel confined, trapped even. but then again, we are all trapped. trapped by our destiny, even the destinies that we think we are planning for ourselves. .... it seems that i am ranting. i am going to stop here..... nevermind... i am going to stop here.

RANDOM PHRASE: Oh for God's sake he's gone for two days and he joins a gang.