Tuesday, February 28, 2012

i am gonna hafta stop

i am gonna hafta stop promising things. i know i said i would write more but i haven't been (obviously). much has happened since the last post. lets see. i am still in south carolina and working at Lowe's. the wife and i were expecting a few months ago but unfortunately we had a miscarriage. Leaf you will be missed. the wife is about halfway done with grad school and i will hopefully start in july. we are also about to move to a new place (still in the same town). i feel like i am stagnating and i am glad for the move coming up and the return of school in my life. i will only be taking one class at a time so that i can still work full time. our new place is cheaper and closer to work and school. i would really like to continue writing here but i will NOT promise it. i guess that just about do it.

randomness: i used to be an adventurer like you, until i took an arrow to the knee.


  1. I hear you buddy. I find myself fantasizing sometimes about how life would be if we just became missionaries or something. It doesn't seem like a practical option, but since when did God not provide for someone who he called into something. The question is, what is He calling you into and how do you know. I think there are also what some would consider "small" steps in life that have the potential to improve the quality of life. For instance, standing up for being a Christian more often, and speaking up for Christ when not prompted. That's a thrill, I'll tell you that right now. Maybe that's more so what life is about, instead of what we "do" as a career. What is your quality of life in whatever stage of life you're in? That can sometimes be based on who you love the most: yourself or Jesus. I suppose a lot of it grows on you in time too :)

    Sorry for writing so much in comment to your post.

  2. I know you won't promise but I like it when you write. :)

    I'm your biggest fan...other than Jesus
