Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Sad

i have a bit of a happy sad moment going on right now. i just finished my last class for this year. so far it has been my favorite class. i feel like it caused me to grow more than any other class thus far. i am going to miss the people i had class with. hopefully i will see them again in another class or out in the field. i am happy though because i am another step closer to being done with grad school. part of me doesn't want it to end, just like undergrad. sometimes i really dislike change. just when i get used to something it gets stripped away and something else takes its place. Thoughts?

RANDOM PHRASE: Jeremiah was a bullfrog!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

check out this photo

i feel like this photo could mean something. i just don't know what. shoot me some comments. in other news, i am tired but extremely excited. tomorrow is the last scheduled ultrasound for our baby. i can't wait to meet him but i am also very terrified about it. what if i am no good for him? what if i become my biological father? hmmm....

RANDOM PHRASE: Apparently you have no feet sir.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

do you remember?

do you all remeber when time was simpler and slower? i always seemed to have too much time on my hands as a youth. is this a sign of aging.... maturing? i hope not. for those of you who know me best, i am not one for maturity. i like hanging loose and relaxing. respondsibility is a dirty word for me. i mean i'm notlazy, i just WANT to be lazy. i long for my boyish days that are now lost to me. i didn't have such a great childhood and i had to grow up really fast. maybe that has something to do with it. in any case, i am here now and with less time than before i caution you all to take the time to live your short lives well.

RANDOM PHRASE: I want your boyfriend and i thought you should know.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Look what I did.

I was having an impromptu date night with the wife last night. We went to a Tex Mex place called Don Pablo's. For any of you who don't know, their food is AWESOME. It has soooooo much flavor (shudders). I LITERALLY SHUDDERED AT THE THOUGHT OF THE AWESOMENESS THAT WAS PLACED BEFORE ME AT THAT RESTAURANT LAST NIGHT. I am so glad i have left overs for lunch today. anywho, this blog isn't about Don Pablo's as much as it is about a poem i wrote while looking one piece of their decor. the inside of the restaurant looks like an old brick warehouse. on the inside it has "authentic" mexican murals and old advertising pieces along with some neon lights and plastic (at least i think so) plants. despite the lights it is rather dim to set the 'mood' for the patrons. one of the murals was of two mexican women drinking some sort of cola. they were wearing traditional mexican clothing. The mural moved me so much that i decided to write about it. this is that poem: FORCES OF TIME four shining Gems edged in a cliff ancient faces against ancient brick seeming thinly veiled though inches thick perhaps they stare at something more personalities intact and completely two dimensional hiding the hurt from a day's work behind sugary sweet brown liquid tipping the bottle, a sign of victory complete finished is the toil until the bottom of the bottle is revealed I am being watched by four shining Gems edged in a cliff How did you like it? I felt really good after i did it. I really enjoy sharing my poems with you my readers. I have another question: Do you think I should try to publish a book of my poems? I have a friend who knows somebody. Maybe it could be done. Alas, I am very lazy and need some shoving into something like this. I welcome criticism. RANDOM PHRASE: What do my eyes see? I see little balls of sunshine in a bag.

Saturday, December 8, 2012



Thursday, December 6, 2012

december baby

wow. its been awhile. good news since last we met. the wife is almost done with out newest pregnancy. i shall call the son. the son is well ahead in growth. will most likely be born this month. this is a good way to show restoration since we lost our first pregnancy on december of last year. one year can make all the difference. i don't have much to say, i will no longer keep promising more posts. usually the only time i find myself in front of the computer is to di projects for grad school. oh yeah thats new too. yay me. wish i had more for ya. maybe next time. goodbye and God bless. Random Quote: "Eat chalk evil doer!"

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

will over the exterior

all of mankind is cursed with at least one thing: the exterior world. man has constantly sought to possess, destroy, tame, harvest, and control the rest of the world. one has to question how good for mankind this is. as much "progress" as we claim to have made the world is still a horrid place. no matter how much we try to lasso in this bronco we just end up hurting more than helping. as i have pondered on this i have come to a startling conclusion, even if we try to change and work with others and purify ourselves from this outlook, we won't be able to "fix" our current situation. let's say we stop all pollution and stop all the wars and the hate. we will still be at this point in time. the world and ourselves are already doomed to the inevitable death that claimed those that came before. there is really only one thing that can change that, although man will argue about this until the end of the world. i personally bank on the fact that Jesus has already saved us, we just have to claim that. some others believe something or someone else will save them from their doom and there are others still who think no one and nothing is coming to save us. i have one question for them, what do you base your morality on. what/who deems things right/wrong? if you say the government then we shouldn't fight other governments ans countries because they would believe the opposite of us and can't they be right? what about you? do you decide what's right and wrong? then why am i not bowing before you? what makes you so right and unadulterated? no matter what you chose your choice can be turned back on you unless you have a divine basis for your decisions and morality otherwise we are simply animals undeserving of society and group accomplishments. disagree or agree i want you to sound off in the comments below.

randomness: you keep using that word, i don't think it means what you think it means.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

i am gonna hafta stop

i am gonna hafta stop promising things. i know i said i would write more but i haven't been (obviously). much has happened since the last post. lets see. i am still in south carolina and working at Lowe's. the wife and i were expecting a few months ago but unfortunately we had a miscarriage. Leaf you will be missed. the wife is about halfway done with grad school and i will hopefully start in july. we are also about to move to a new place (still in the same town). i feel like i am stagnating and i am glad for the move coming up and the return of school in my life. i will only be taking one class at a time so that i can still work full time. our new place is cheaper and closer to work and school. i would really like to continue writing here but i will NOT promise it. i guess that just about do it.

randomness: i used to be an adventurer like you, until i took an arrow to the knee.